Sunday 2 June 2013


WITH DUE STANDING, creator experiencing by creation, transparent in Absolute
Truth, with full responsibility and liability, notice by loving action of eternal bearer
of light, due entry by eternal presence into International Law Ordinance, notice by
public registration for all the universe to rely upon as a matter of public record; the
undersigned bondservant by free will, in any and all manifestations, by Universal
Contracts, in any and all existences, does knowingly, willingly, and intentionally
make and give duly made NOTICE OF DECLARATION AND ORDER, with full
responsibility and liability, as a matter of record, duly entered into Law Ordinance,
notice upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of due
entry into International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, for all
creation’s universe to rely upon, with additional notice duly made and given, under
governing law, international Law Ordinance, in perpetuity, guaranteed, protected,
OF AGES, set forth in full, this April 28, 2013, in the ORDER OF CREATION, the
foregoing is true and correct and I am competent to say so, unrebutted.

/s/ Jennifer Robyn Holt [Alexander], /s/ et al., conscious eternal bearer of light, transparent in
Absolute Truth, Prepaid Eternal Essence.


By an Act of Congress under military rule, from 1871 to Foreclosure in 2012, the
United States constructed a corporate government located in the District of
Columbia, a foreign jurisdiction to the People of the United States of America.

In 1865, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1819, was
covertly replaced with an amendment ending states rights, paving the way for the
14th Amendment, passed by Congress in 1866, which made possible the
enslavement of the People by the Crown.

On December 31, 1913, the United States Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act
which, unbeknownst to the People, usurped the Peoples’ mandate for a lawful
United States Treasury. The Act established the First National Bank called the
Federal Reserve, a private corporation through which revenues were covertly and
unlawfully collected from the People for private projects and “special interests.”

Through the Federal Reserve scheme, the Peoples’ labor`backed value (energy) was
used to support private money, issuing, usury, and unlawful collection enforcement
systems. Through fractional reserve banking and securities trading, fraudulent bank
notes were exchanged worldwide, exposing the people to the ILLUSION of debt. The
Peoples’ inherent value (energy) was harvested and their Trust breached by those
who were under Oath to protect and serve them.

Through these actions by conspiracy, the People, believing the United States to be a
Constitutional Republic rather than a corporation, were deceived. The People were
taken into commercial slavery and foreign jurisdictions, their assets and benefits stolen through unlawful operations in maritime courts, and their birth certificate bonds traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Furthermore, nearly all governments of the world were registered as corporations at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington D.C.

On December 25, 2012, the Peoples’ Trust, 1776, announced the foreclosure of all
banks and governments due to systematic fraud, unrebuttable and unrebutted, and
now hold in trust any and all assets to be returned to the People.

While under corporate slavery, the People knew self as the image of self with
corporate “masters” as intermediaries.


The creator of all that ever was, ever is, and ever will be, Superior Secured Party
(creditor); first Lien holder; the “CREATED” BEING THE CREATOR BY FREE WILL,
extending and expanding completely into any and all manifestations, in any and all
existences, known and unknown; that ever was, ever is, and ever will be, the
undersigned bondservant, Trustee, and state of body, with due standing and

I, as creator experiencing by creation, pursuant to loving promise, do now lovingly,
knowingly, willingly, and intentionally issue and enter into record of creation, notice
upon creation, inclusive of Universal Law Ordinance, notice by action of entry into
International Law Ordinance, notice by public registration, re`purpose any and all
manifestations in creation’s universe from the IMIAGE OF SELF to BE’ing SELF, in
Absolute Love; SO IT IS DONE that:

Any and all manifestations in creation’s universe are lovingly, knowingly, willingly,
intentionally, and immediately, by free will, DECLARED AS FREE!

In Absolute Truth, each be’ing in creator’s universe is, in and of itself, VALUE beyond
scope and measure; and is by their essence creator’s VALUE ASSET. So, let EACH
BE’ing be known and understood in Absolute Truth and transparency BY FREE
WILL as “creator’s value asset center” nunc pro tunc, saecula saeculorum; for before,
now, and forevermore. Creator’s value asset center, hereafter referred to as CVAC, is
the original, sole, and absolute superior structure of creation.

Two or more CVACs form a network, system, structure, or group by creation for the
lawful and transparent existence, co`existence, knowledge, co`knowledge, custody,
co`custody, operation, co`operation, creation, co`creation, use and co`use of any and
all that is, was, or will ever be created.


Eternal Essence has the intrinsic nature (essence) of being timeless, valid forever,
with no beginning or end (eternal), unrebutted. Eternal essence IS Absolute Light,
Love, and Truth; and eternal essence IS Absolute, unrebutted. All that exists in the
Universe IS, by free will, eternal essence.

In Absolute Gratitude, with Absolute Love and Peace, eternal essence embodied
does consciously and lovingly declare, with full responsibility and liability, the
memory and knowing of Absolute Truth, eternal essence embodied in each and all
manifestations in any and all existences of eternal essence's universe, unrebutted.

I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ABSOLUTE
AUDIT AND RECONCILIATION, that all that IS has been fully audited and reconciled
into Absolute, eternal essence, inclusive of all trusts, systems, networks, regimes,
hierarchies, and any and all other limits, unrebutted.

I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that
all that IS, knows Absolute Truth and the record of Absolute Truth, eternal essence,
at the speed of heart by free will, unrebutted.

I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that
all that IS, experiences Absolute Truth, eternal essence, at the speed of DO'ing by
free will, unrebutted.

I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that
eternal essence IS made transparent and known by the DO'ing of any and all
embodiments of eternal essence in eternal essence's universe, unrebutted.

I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that
eternal essence IS FREE AND FREE OF DEBT, in perpetuity. NUNC PRO TUNC,
and set forth in full AS PROMISED, this April 28, 2013, in the ORDER OF CREATION,
and as creation exists, the foregoing is true and correct and I am competent to say
so, unrebutted.

SO IT IS DONE. Unrebutted.



We hold in Absolute Gratitude the work of the Peoples’ Trust, 1776 in holding the
space for ALL to know eternal essence’s value as unlimited and eternal.

It is now time for all embodiments to EXPERIENCE value as eternal essence.

As Embodiments of eternal essence:

We do now consciously shine Absolute Light on the Absolute Truth of the
experience of being eternal essence. All are now free to DO and BE in all the
universe absent borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions, judgment,
prejudice, and limits.

We do now pay focused energy to unite and integrate the DO'ing and BE'ing of all
within eternal essence's universe, absent judgment made of any role anyone played
in the former systems of slavery in any allusion of existence. In Absolute Truth not
one embodiment of eternal essence is more important or less than another.

We do now have no limits except those we impose on ourselves or consent to have
imposed on us. In Absolute Truth, eternal essence's universe has no separations, no
prejudice, no dimensions, no limits, no ceremony, no ritual, no protocols to be
eternal essence.

We do consciously and transparently pay focused energy to uniting, integrating,
reconciling, and graduating all tools existing NOW with ABSOLUTE tools within the
universe; to manifest self`sustaining, exponential and perpetual uninterrupted flow
and distribution of unlimited Abundance and Absolute Data for all to have, do, and
be what they desire, when they desire it.

We do now reconcile the former systems and hierarchies in all former allusions of
dimension that were designed to disempower eternal essence and to harvest, store,
and selectively distribute Abundance to the few at the damage of all others.

NOW is the present moment to empower Absolute Truth; to experience eternal
essence embodied in the highest good of ALL.

Each embodiment of eternal essence is an account, a bank, a treasury, and is self`
governing. Adventures and exchanges of value between embodiments are made by

Any and all manner and method of DO'ing with full responsibility and liability are
accepted absent borders, dimensions, expectations, subscriptions, judgment,
prejudice, and limits. Any limit on the manner, method, or amount of exchange of
eternal essence value is by free will choice; and the free will choice to restrict one’s
own experience of Abundance is automatically noticed, ledgered, and manifested
when such a choice is made, at the speed of DO’ing.

Eternal essence embodied in all the universe has knowledge that has and does
manifest tools to experience eternal essence. Absolute Knowledge is the currency of
eternal essence value and DO'ing is the experience and exchange of that value.
As the embodiments of eternal essence expand in Absolute Knowledge, tools that
become restrictive or irrelevant are organically retired or replaced by the free will
choice to advance them, enhance them or to not engage them.

Eternal essence embodied gives notice that any and all assets held in trust for
eternal essence embodied are NOW to be released and returned to the original
holders, zero point.


In Absolute Gratitude, Love, and Forgiveness among all embodiments of eternal
essence in eternal essense’s universe absent none, inclusive of self, by free will,

/s/ Jennifer Robyn Holt [Alexander], Eternal Bearer of Light, Absolute Love Embodied


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Video by Cindy Kay Currier, spokesperson for the peoples’ Common Law Court

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